I do not believe in me
I do not exist
I do not want I do not want to be
I want to destroy me
throw me high bridges
and let me smash
on the hard stones of the sidewalks
Spray my being
do not leave even a trace of passage
the world
I want the non-self
to take over me
More than a simple suicide
I want that my death
is a real historical novelty
a total disappearance
even in the brains
those who hate me
even at the time
and process history
and the world continues
as if I never existed
as if no work had produced
as if nothing had influenced the life
if instead of negative
I was zero
I rise
raise me up to the Zero
and disappear
Let me disappear!
But before going to scream
With all the force of my lungs
For the world to hear:
- It was I who gave up life!
You may continue to take my place
Ye that mo roubastes
Then you have the whole world to you
I want nothing for me
neither poverty nor riches
neither joy nor sorrow
neither death nor life
I'm not I've never been
Renounce me
Achieve Zero
Sing ye shall live weep
marry you kill yourselves you drunken
give alms to the poor
Nothing could interest me
I'm not
Achieve Zero
Do not tell me
to serve you meals
or to dig diamonds
that your wives will bear in halls
or to take care of your plantations
cotton and coffee
not rely on nannies
to breastfeed your children syphilitic
do not count on workers
to do the job that ye pride yourselves
nor soldiers unconscious
to scream on an empty stomach
live to your work of civilization
nor with lackeys
you to take off their shoes
at daybreak
when you return to nightly orgies
nor with blacks fearful
to offer you cows
corn and sell penny
or in women's bodies
pleasures of food for you
in the leisure hours of your abundance immoral
Do not tell me
Renounce me
I atngi Zero
And now you can burn
the signs fearful
that the doors of bars hotels and public places
scream your selfishness
Here there black white
And now you can stop
with the poor Black neighborhoods
that ye may hinder the vanity
Live satisfied without color lines
you might have to say no to black frequeses
that the hotels are crowded
that there are no tables in restaurants
Banhai you rested
beaches and pools in your
there never was black in the world
that the fouled water
or your disgusting prejudices
with its dark presence
Dissolvei the Ku Klux Klan
already there to lynch blacks!
Because hesitais now!
at least you have the opportunity
to proclaim democracies
Can you invent a new story
you can even invent a new mystical
will say for example: In the beginning we create the world
Everything was done by U.S.
And that nothing interests me
I feel that satisfaction
glad to see you in your pride
manic and crazy in your superiority
There has never been black!
Africa was built just for you
America was colonized only by you
Europe does not know African civilizations
There was never kisses black on white faces
or a black was lynched
never killed by blows from a black cavalomarinho
women so that they possess
never estorquistes properties to blacks
have ye never you had children with black blood
O unbridled racist lubricity
Fartai you now inside the morale!
What satisfaction I feel
not that ye distort the moral standards
to safeguard
the prestige of the superiority and the stomach
of your children
My suicide is a historical novelty
is a sadistic pleasure
see you well settled in your world
without false matches
I raised to the Zero
I changed nothing in the historical-
I the beginning of time
I-Nothing to confuse me with you-all
I am the true humanity of Christ!
There in the streets of Luanda
black shoes and dirty
to put stains in your falsehoods of colonization
In Lourenço Marques
in New York in Leopoldville
in Cape Town
screaming through the streets
fogueteando joy in the air
- There are no blacks on the streets!
There has never been
There are no blacks lazy
to leave the fields for growing
and reluctant to enslavement
there are no blacks to steal
All wealth is now the sweat from his face
and the sweat of the brow is the poetry of life
Long live the poetry of life!
There is no black music
There has never been drumming in the forests of Congo
Who said anything about spirituals?
The halls are filled with Debussy Strauss Korsakoff
in that there is no wild earth
Experience the superior civilization of men
spotless Negroid disturbing the aesthetics you!
There has never been discoveries
Africa was created with the world
What is colonization?
What are the massacres of blacks?
What are the esbulhos property?
Things nobody knows
The story is wrong
There never was slavery
There was never field minority
proud of their strength
I ended up with the religious crusades
Faith is spread all over the world
on earth there are only Christians
YOU are all Christians
There are no infidels to convert
Escusais imagine infidelities more religious
to justify
disgusting acts of barbarism
No need to send more missionaries
nor in the Black neighborhoods
There has never been Mahamba
or religious views different
there was never religious to assist the military occupation
Fulfil with missionaries
their sophistry
his miracles
invented to justify ambitions and vanities
All possess ALL
and are all brothers
Continue with your political systems
democratic dictatorship
it is with you
Explorai the proletariat
slay one another
fight ye the glory
fight ye the power
minorities nurture strong
apadrinhai the proteges of your friends
nurture more varieties
aburguesai ideas
and all without the hassle
greens intruders
to meddle in your beloved
and defended civilization of men
hence you hands
Shout your joy that you may be alone
only inhabitants of the earth
I artingi Zero
This means your extraordinarily ethical
At least
do not lose the opportunity in order to be honest
If earthquakes
flood disasters or epidemics
to defend the land or water avoidance
stationary engines or sludge African
rays you depart!
no longer will have to call me
respond to your woes
to repair your disaster
or to charge the guilt of your incúrias
Go to hell!
I do not exist
Word of honor that never existed
Achieve Zero
Blessed time
my super-suicide
for you
men who are constructing moral systems
vices to frame
The sun shines just for you
the moon reflects light just for you
there has never been slavers
or massacres
or occupations of Africa
As to the story
becomes a treatise on moral
hurry arrangements without!
The black of the pier there are no
Never were heard singing doleful
mixed with the grating of the crane
Never trod the paths of the woods
pounds with no boots on their backs
the engines which burn under loads
O humble or shy submissive black
no place in cities
or in bins of honesty
or in the corners of the force
Dancers with the soul poisada the minus sign
declared polygamous
sexy dancers drumming
You know that everyone you come up value
Nothing you are atingistes Zero
and man have saved
No more hatred
and the work of civilization
and the nausea of seeing black boys
sitting in school
next to blue-eyed boys
and compulsions and extorções
and palmatoadas and torture
to force innocent people to confess to crimes
and fears of revolt
and the complicated political demarches
to deceive simple souls
No more social complications!
Achieve Zero
I arrived at the time of the beginning of the world
and decided not exist
I arrived at the Zero-Space
None of the Time-
coincides with the self-Everything you
And what is more important:
I saved the world!
Agostinho Neto
In The Can not Resign
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